Thursday, March 30, 2006

AWOL - Absent WITH Official Legitimate-reasons!!!!

Its been months since my last entry. I dont know why but i've lost the urge to write. No time? Perhaps. There's just so much happening and nothing happening all at once.

Work at Shell has been exhausting, considering the fact that i have to wake up at 530am, perpetually be on my feet for 8 hours straight, and serve assholes who deserve to be slapped. Well yea there are the nice ones as well. But like all goodness they are limited. Im gonna miss working (studying) there. Nice music, nice colleagues(well there is this one guy, but...), nice view and decent(not good) pay(little $ is still $). It gave me a purpose to start my day early. I actually read the papers for a good 3 months daily... front to back! Something i never used to do.

At one point of time i was working at 2 places, after Shell i went to XL for data entry. Spent so much on sweets then. Its always nice to work there. Very nice working environment. BUT i aint involved in the politics in the workplace.

School started. First assignments are in and marks out (97% and 100%!!!!). Can't ask for more now can i. Its good motivation to work hard.hopefully i can maintain this to fullfill my dream of geekifying myself!!!(right...) But yea, exams are in like less than 2 months away. Applied for Nus and NTU as well see how that goes. Frankly i have no/little hope of getting in. I'm quite happy with what i'm doing. !st class in sights still. But if i do get in, I wouldn't mind. But i still wanna do the course in SIM.

Been going to SJI for trainings. Tryin to get my fitness back to pass IPPT. *sigh*

And I got a new LAPTOP!!!!! wassup with that yea!! woo hooo!!! Thanks to my sister who half-heartedly payed for it(first)! Its an ACER Aspire5672WLMi. Check it...

Well til next time.

I have no inspiration to think of quotes so, entry no 31 no quote!

Cheers ya'll!

1 comment:

Nisha said...

Wah Lau! You can change the layout but you can't update???? Enna man nee???