Monday, August 15, 2005

Guilty Guilty Guilty!!!

I am supposed to be studying now... but i can't... my nose is running.... (remembering Craig David's song "I'm walking away" and picturing my nose doing wat the song says...!!) oh my.. i'm trying to catch it but i cant... its too fast for me... just too darn fast... so lethargically i collapse in front of my computer and not knowing wat to do i.... i.... i start writing...!!

Well as u can see that must have been the lamest thing u've heard in some time now... u must be hitting your head and thinking ' why did i even bother coming here...??' well go on.. u asked right... just keep hitting your head...

Anyway i jus came on cos im having a fu*king headache and i couldnt study anymore... Its just tough going back to study after 2+ years when u have no proper classes and notes... Although i have night classes... the classes dun really teach that much... i have to do most of the work myself... and its tough but i have to do it... i know that this is a golden opportunity that i must take advantage of... no use investing 1 year of my life doing this if its not gonna be worth it.... and a piece of advice to all who are gonna study... This is your future... only u can choose to make or break!!

Now i gotta go try to study myself...

Moral of the day: Determination and hardwork always pays off...!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well well well,i happened to see ur blog site written all over ur msn and decided to drop by!therez no relevance to ur topic but u got to be glad u received a comment from someone!study hard dude.dun miss out on this opportunity.